2010年10月7日 星期四

Steak in Artichoke cream

We have shared this recipe earlier, I would like to share some of the presentation on brushing in this article with you.

You will need a nice brush in your kitchen, not only for brushing the marinade sauce on the roast chicken but also on decorating your plate to entertain your guest. You can either buy a simple barbeque brush(with the hair not the silicone brush) or a set of colour painting brush.

In this plate here you can see a line of black pepper, I just bring a tiny amount of water to boil and add in some sugar, when the texture become thick, turn off the heat, use your brush and dip in the sirup, gently brush on your plate and sprinkle the black pepper or chili powder, cinnamon powder depends on what you need and then carefully clean out the rest on the plate before you set other food onto the plate.

